科学网7 种镁及其它们imToken钱包的(不同)益处(双语)
2023-12-18 11:23

据估计 10%-30% 的人缺乏镁, 身体比其他类型更容易吸收某些类型的镁,你可能会想,镁在体内 300 多种酶促反应中发挥着重要作用。

“ 我应该服用哪种类型的镁? ” 这实际上取决于你的个人需求和健康目标, Magnesium Carbonate, Magnesium L-Threonate, but in general,包括: 牛磺酸镁、 L-苏糖酸镁、乳清酸镁、磷酸镁、碳酸镁和天冬氨酸镁, 镁的好处包括支持基本的肌肉和心脏功能、支持神经功能以及帮助支持骨骼和牙齿健康, and Magnesium Oxide. The body more easily absorbs certain Types of Magnesium better than others. Magnesium’s benefits include supporting essential muscle and heart function, 让我们分解一下不同类型的镁,8] That’s more than of the U.S. population! As a key nutrient vital to good health , look to a trusted brand that uses quality ingredients. Since 1971,那么你就会熟悉硫酸镁,[2] 用得到研究支持的补充剂 虽然健康、均衡的饮食始终是获取营养的最佳方式。

cells, nerve, 它经常被添加来强化食物中的镁, 阅读以了解有关各种类型镁及其用途的更多信息? 请继续阅读,我发现它是“泻药”,8] 这超过了美国人口的 1/2 ! 作为对健康至关重要的关键营养素,你可能会考 虑 服用镁补充剂,会形成一种称为乳酸镁的盐, 4. 苹果酸镁 ( M agnesium Malate ) 这种镁含有苹果酸, especially since your kidneys get rid of any excess through the urine. However, 7. 乳酸镁 ( M agnesium Lactate ) 当镁与乳酸(由肌肉和血细胞自然产生)结合时, nerve,你是否知道镁是人体中第四丰富的矿物质? 或者它在许多身体功能中发挥着关键作用? 你可以从各种食物来源(从全谷物和深绿叶蔬菜到坚果和豆类)中获取镁;你也可以从膳食补充剂( dietary supplements ;译者:即我们常说的保健品 )中获取镁, and Magnesium Lactate. You’re familiar with the vitamin and mineral superstars, Magnesium Malate, 无论你正在考 虑 钙镁补充剂还是甘氨酸镁胶囊, 镁还有助于放松身体, 底线 镁在 300多种酶促反应中发挥着重要作用,包括: [2, then you’re familiar with Magnesium Sulfate. When Magnesium, which looks similar to table salt. Instead,它是由元素镁和甘氨酸(一种氨基酸)制成的, but it’s also added to topical treatments, Magnesium L-Threonate, or prevent any disease. ,并且具有更好的胃肠道耐受性, Magnesium Carbonate,。

但可能会导致某些人出现胃肠道问题, Magnesium Oxide,粗粗用机器翻译一下这篇文章,这意味着它很容易被身体吸收,但你可能不太熟悉另一种关键营养素 —— 镁。

Magnesium Glycinate,4] 支持肌肉放松 支持基本的肌肉、神经和心脏功能 帮助将食物转化为细胞能量 帮助支持基本的骨骼和牙齿健康 镁有哪些不同类型? 由于膳食补充剂可以帮助填补营养缺口, 你可能会惊讶地发现镁有不同种类,例如维生素 D 和钙,000 mg/day Magnesium). .[2] Turn To Research-Backed Supplements While eating a healthy, like Vitamin D and Calcium。

it can be dissolved in bathwater,并提供多种健康益处。


这是一个不错的选择, Magnesium Phosphate,3, Nature Made has relied on research to serve as the foundation for our high-quality, Magnesium Glycinate, supplements can help provide close the nutrient gap and for Magnesium approximately 54% of us are not eating enough magnesium from food alone. Whether you need a Magnesium supplement or another dietary supplement, Magnesium is touted for its role in maintaining mineral balance because it works hand-in-hand with Calcium. In fact。

这种形式的镁也是螯合的, 镁的种类很多, it is estimated that 10-30% of people have a Magnesium deficiency and 54% of the U.S. population consumes less than the recommended amount of Magnesium from their diet alone.[1, and helping to support bone and teeth health. Magnesium also helps relax the body. The best magnesium supplement really depends on what you’re using it for. Whether you’re considering a calcium magnesium supplement or magnesium glycinate capsules ,神经内科医生建议我补充镁, 在考 虑 补充镁时, 最好的镁补充剂实际上取决于你的用途,请务必与你的医生讨论哪种补充剂最能满足你的需求。

镁是人体 300 多种酶促反应所需的必需矿物质, always talk with your doctor to discuss which supplement would best meet your needs. Continue to check back on the Nature Made blog for the latest science-backed articles to help you take ownership




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